Sabrina Dupuy Dietitian – Hypno-nutritionist

Sabrina Dupuy Diététicienne La cryolipolyse Les cellules adipeuses, unlike muscles and skin, are sensitive to cold. Submitted to it for 45 at 60 min, they will naturally trigger a self-destruction process called APOPTOSE. They will therefore gradually deteriorate and will be gradually evacuated by the body's natural elimination circuits. The results are final, but still require […]

Cryolipolyse 360° Nice

Cryolipolysis With the aim of offering you complete support, I chose to equip myself with a 360 ° cryolipolysis medical device. Indeed, even having a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet, and regular physical activity, some curves are stubborn and can be sources of complexes. ​ La cryolipolyse est une technique non […]

Irritable bowel syndrome FODMAP protocol

Alimentation pauvre en FODMAP dans le cadre du syndrome de l’intestin irritable Le syndrome de l’intestin irritable (SII) is a common pathology affecting 10% of the world's population. It is characterized by chronic abdominal pain associated with transit disorders and / or bloating. A team of Australian researchers has demonstrated, in a study published in 2014, of […]

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