Ikigai to give meaning to your professional and personal life.



To give meaning to your professional and personal life


Les grands questionnements depuis la crise sanitaire

Since the health crisis, many of us have taken a step back, had insights and realized :

  • That they were out of place in their professional lives. They asked themselves questions like "What am I doing in this job? What does it mean to me? Is it a real choice or am I "satisfied"? for different reasons (financières ou autres)

  • Qu’ils n’étaient pas à leur place dans la ville ou le quartier où ils habitent : d’ailleurs beaucoup de personnes ont envisagé de déménager depuis 2020

  • Qu’ils n’étaient pas à leur place dans leur couple, dans leur vie quotidienne (c’est la conséquence de se retrouver toute la journée avec son compagnon/sa compagne)…

    Et bien d’autres prises de conscience encore.

Il n’y a qu’en se plantant qu’on peut pousser

Je crois qu’un des aspects positifs de cette crise de sens que nous avons vécu, c’est qu’elle aura permis à nombre d’entre nous de revoir nos priorités de vie et se rendre compte queles fausses excusespour ne pas passer à l’action, ne sont maintenant plus valables. Je pense qu’il est vraiment temps de passer à l’acte pour retrouver du sens et savoir pourquoi je fais ce que je fais ?

Quand je parlefausses excusesça veut dire que vous trouverez toujours des raisons pour ne pas faire quelque chose dont vous sentez que vous avez vraiment besoin mais qui va engager un grand changement dans votre vie, because deep down, and it's okay, there is the fear of taking risks and failing !

Mais j’ai envie de vous rappeler cette expression « it is only by getting stuck that we can grow » et des excuses vous en aurez toujours. For example to change jobs and dare to listen to your little voice telling you : « allez j’ai très envie de changer parce que :

  • I feel like I'm below my potential, that I am capable of much more and better

  • That the values ​​of this company no longer correspond to me

  • That I'm really tired of this job : I no longer understand the point of this work., of my mission?

  • I'm bored and I've gone around this job, it does not bring me any more evolutions, I no longer learn anything that gives me satisfaction

  • And I really need something else, to give me time to take stock of what I really want in life

There will always be reasons NOT to change

Soit it is the economic situation that is not favorable mais ça, it's been going on for many years in France, no? We will have to wait for the “economic rebound” before taking our happiness in hand ? Soit on va se dire que ça n’est pas la priorité because there is work in the house, or else there are the children who should not be disturbed by turning their daily lives upside down or whatever, but the question here is to say :


I believe that we cannot decide to turn everything upside down overnight, but when we have strong signals, it is important not to ignore them.

When you decide to change, everything changes around you

What's amazing is that when you make the decision to take control of your life, vous allez découvrir un tas de internal resources, creativity, talents that you do not suspect ! And that is what makes the strength of a work of questioning, of movement : it is as if the energy is circulating again and it gives you access to parts of yourself that were hidden until now and which allow you to find solutions to your obstacles and your difficulties !! it's the MAGIC of personal work.

L'Ikigaï, notre « raison d’être » selon le concept de vie japonais

I come to talk to you about Ikigai. This Japanese concept of life that refers to what gives meaning to our life. Our purpose, which really gives us! want to get up in the morning.

Ikigaï vient de Until (to be alive / be alive) and Cheerful (what is worth living).It is a philosophy of life which consists in living in such a way as to maintain a reason and the desire to get up every morning.. C’est trouver ce « quelque chose » qui vous fait vibrer et vous nourrit vraiment dans la vie. J’aime dire « là où se trouve notre zone de magie ». According to the Japanese we all have one or more Ikigai in us, but we are not necessarily aware of it.

The ikigai is an evolving and dynamic tool that will follow our own evolution., he adapts to change, it's not something fixed.

L'Ikigaï, the connection of several elements

So to find our Ikigai, we will work to connect 4 elements :

  1. Ce que vous aimez faire (your taste, the things that please you and drive you in life, your passions if you have any)
  2. What you are good at (your talents/skills)
  3. What you get paid for (or you could get paid)
  4. what the world needs (and gives you a sense of purpose)

At the intersection of these different elements, everyone will be able to identify different subcategories :

  1. Sa passion : who will emerge in the meeting zone between what a person likes and what he is good at
  2. Sa mission : defined by the meeting between what the person likes and what the world needs
  3. In vocation qui est à l’intersection de ce dont le monde a besoin et ce pour quoi une personne est payée
  4. Sa profession : defined by your abilities (what you are good at) et vos compétences qui donnent lieu à une rémunération

Le principe de l’Ikigaï ne va pas être de se concentrer sur une des zones en particulier mais bel et bien d’extraire de toutes ses découvertes sur vous-même, ce qui constitue le noyau dur, le dénominateur commun, la raison d’être. Le fameux Ikigaï !

If you want to know more, il y a : La méthode Ikigaï de Hector Garcia&Francesc Miralles

Et n’oubliez pas comme a dit Walt Disney « If you can dream it, you can do it »!

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