Anne-Marie Forté psychologist and psychoanalyst

Sitting down to relearn how to dance your life

Psychologist and psychoanalyst

Good reasons to make an appointment :

  • en tout premier lieu, your urge de consulter
  • my experience : from my life journey and the follow-up of a personal analysis (with Olivier Schmitt, psychiatre et psychanalyste à Niort, founding member of the call for 39).
  • my active listening by your side

Je suis diplômée en psychologie de l’Université de Poitiers (Master 2 professional in psychopathology).

I am in continuous training and I am supervised.

I have various additional training :

  • Psychodrame et psychogénéalogie (Michele Bromet-Camou),
  • Transactional Analysis,
  • Caring Communication, Mindfulness Mediation.


My research

My research topics concern :

1) the constitution of human groups and society (influence of Cornelius Castoriadis), practical training in occupational risks and in particular psychosocial risks.

2) the link between the body and the psyche, et comment l’un influe sur l’autre. for example, comment votre mobilité corporelle influe sur votre mobilité psychique ou comment votre travail thérapeutique peut avoir une action sur votre corps et votre moral.


Mes atouts pour vous aider

Recueillir / Accueillir

Je vous accueille au sein de la Maison de santé Val d’Egray sur Champdeniers et à Niort 10 rue Pierre-Antoine Baugier.
Dans mon cabinet, prenez le temps de recontacter vos émotions, to file your difficulties, to sort through your ideas.

Parler / S’écouter

I accompany you by my listening to know you better, accept yourself as you are, assumer vos choix dans la société actuelle.

You can move forward to act differently, with more awareness of your inner movements.

Use symbolic objects

The main tool is the language.
You will be able to represent with your speech and other symbolic objects, including psychodrama, what drives you, update repetitive patterns, accept yourself as you are at the moment and gently put yourself on the path to the changes you aspire to, better suited to your wishes.



Reflect / Analyser

My work is based on psychoanalysis, listening to the unconscious and taking group issues into account. In addition to your word, I use transactional analysis, psychodrama, benevolent communication. By working with you, from your daily life, against our natural inclinations towards individualism, I wish to contribute globally to more peace and humanity.


To better support you, je fais partie de divers réseaux :

  • Departmental coordination of suicide prevention, if you are a person bereaved by suicide, you can benefit from 5 psychological interviews,
  • MSA in Suicide Prevention, you can benefit from 5 psychological interviews, if you are a member of the MSA),
  • MGEN network Prevention Aid Monitoring, you can benefit from 3 psychological interviews if you are a National Education national in the 79 to the MGEN delegation in Niort.

Regroup / energize

Mes propositions au cabinet : What weighs on my desires, en lien avec la problématique de poids quelle qu’elle soit
Mes propositions associatives via Paroles de parents : the word to the fathers, Parenting before-during-after, les violences intra-familiales
Mes propositions en institution : practice analysis, supervision, accompaniment coaching, formations


Group work

I am trained in group psychotherapy and psychodrama, which are energizing tools to help you on your journey, according to your profile.

Are you an individual ?

Particular, you can participate in groups at my office, in particular with regard to :

  • the weight problem (obesity or eating disorder) “What weighs on my desires”,
  • parenthood « Parents avant, pendant, after” for parents of children under 3 years,
  • domestic violence « A vos amours, from Game to I”.

Once a month, the Saturday, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..

You are an institution ?

Institution, you can request the setting up of groups in co-construction, groups that are based on the experience of your agents and respond to the difficulties they may encounter on a daily basis. To support their practice and your management function, je vous accompagne en :

  • conflict management, on an ad hoc basis and on a traumatic event
  • practice analysis, to help you find your own solutions
  • formation pour développer vos connaissances et apporter une autre vision métier.



Anne-Marie Forté

Anne-Marie Forté : 06 73 42 25 65


Sitting down to relearn how to dance your life.



Anne Marie Forte

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